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Spreading our wings and leaving the nest is something we all have to face. Whether it is going to uni buying your first car, or apartment, or moving overseas. At the going of this year, I moved from little old Taranaki in new Zealand to sunny Brisbane Australia to pursue my passion for musical theatre. Which meant I would be one left for university but also surviving and finding my way around

a big city by myself. I faced a lot of challenges and suffered a lot from Homesickness and missing my friends and family. Yeti was able to find my way quite literally and metaphorically within Brisbane City. On the 10th of January we set on out journey with my parents and three brothers to deliver me to my new apartment in Brisbane, from there they headed back a week later, and suddenly i was by myself. I had a month to unpack and become familiar until school started. It was a very uncertain time, and I almost gave up and wanted to go back to NZ so severely. However, i stuck by my decision and continued and soldiered on. Soon enough, I found friends through events and reaching out to people for coffee, and now I barely leave their apartment. They are some of my closest friends now. On top of me, a small-town girl, being alone and finding her way around the city life, I discovered i then had the public transportation system and school on my next obstacles. I had never done the whole public transport system. As i could walk everywhere in my hometown, or had a car, I could drive. Yet here it was vastly different, and I needed to rely on it now. After a few failed attempts, I finally got my head around the entire thing. Through i could get to my school now, which was important. The school was also an added stress. I found it daunting and scary because there were a lot of rules I needed to follow and al to of new information being thrown at me( also assignments). But I think everyone was in the boat. There were a couple of times I was overwhelmed ut calmed myself down and continued. Which is an important lesson I have learned here? However, now I am confident, and school easy flowing now, not any ess stressful but easier to manage! Now I am currently at my apartment feeling at home than I have ever been, and I am living day by day. While i am finding my way still through the city life I can say after four months here I am getting the hang of it and am loving every bit of it. For my friends that want to move to pursue their dreams, do it. While it seems so daunting ( i know) but once you get over the first mountain, the rest seem small and more comfortable to climb. You gain experience, and you can navigate your way through your new home. Also, it's important to remember you always have support back home. I had a friend sand family keeping track of me and still wondering how I was doing. I had friends face-time and Skype to chat so while Homesickness has been a toughie to work through, I fond friends and have family that helped me.

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